Author-submitted data information
ID | 316 |
Title | Receiver functions and body-wave amplitude ratios from a linear array in the Sichuan Basin, SW China |
Creator | Xu Wang |
Subject | P-RFs, S-RFs, and body-wave amplitude ratios |
Publisher | Xiukuan Zhao |
Description | To gain a better knowledge of the sedimentary and crustal structures beneath the Sichuan Basin, a linear seismic array consisting of 11 broadband stations (s124, s126, s128, s130-s137; equipped with Reftek-130 data loggers and Guralp CMG3ESP sensors 50Hz–30s/60s/120s) was operated from November 2010 to November 2012 by the Seismic Array Laboratory, IGGCAS. The array, with an average station spacing of ~13 km, traverses from northwest to southeast the western Sichuan depression, the Longquan anticline, and the central Sichuan uplift. Earthquakes with magnitudes ≥5.5 and epicentral distances of 30°-90° and those of 55°-85° were, respectively, selected for the construction of P-wave and S-wave receiver functions (P-RFs and S-RFs). A time-domain maximum entropy deconvolution with a water level of 0.005 and 19 different Gaussian parameters (agauss) was used to calculate the RFs. After careful visual inspection, 2530 P-RFs and 537 S-RFs were selected for extracting the amplitude ratios. RF waveform files are finally stored in the directories as: ./RFtype/station/AGagauss/station_yyddd_hhmmss.eq* (e.g., ./PRF/s124/AG0.84/s124_10311_192649.eqr). Amplitude ratio (e.g., s124_synPr.dat) and corresponding uncertainty files (e.g., s124_stdPr.dat) are stored in the ‘PrSr’ folder. |
Contributor | Ling Chen; Huajian Yao |
Date | November 2010 - November 2012 |
Type | P-RFs and S-RFs are stored with a sampling rate of 40 Hz and a length of 80 sec. (-40 s before to 40 s after the zero time). The zero time in P-RFs and S-RFs refers to the direct P-wave and S-wave, respectively. |
Format | Vertical and radial RFs are stored in SAC format with ‘.eqz’ and ‘.eqr’ extensions, respectively. In the header of each SAC file, necessary information such as locations of the station (STLA: latitude; STLO: longitude; STEL: elevation) and earthquake (EVLA, EVLO, EVDP), sampling interval (DELTA), and ray parameter (USER4) has been given. These standard SAC formats can be read using SAC, Obspy, MATLAB, et al. Amplitude ratio files are in ASCII format. Gaussian parameter, ray parameter, sampling interval, delay time and sampling point relative to the zero time, and amplitude ratio are listed in each line of the amplitude ratio file. |
URL | |
DOI | 10.12197/2021GA017 |
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Language | eng |
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Rights | Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |