- Electron density data observed by ionosonde at Wuhan and Beijing during 21-31 December, 2019 2025/2/17 17:38:12
- Seismic waveforms, P-wave receiver functions, and splitting measurements from the study of mantle flow and crustal deformation revealed by seismic anisotropy in the subduction zone beneath Myanmar 2025/1/24 15:59:14
- Mohe 2025 New Year Geomagnetic Storm Multi-Instrument Dataset 2025/1/15 16:08:12
- Codes and data for paper 'Detection and Removal of Strong Transient Disturbances for Uncovering Weak Long-Period Signals in Apollo Lunar Seismic Data' 2025/1/14 9:28:34
- Vertical plasma drift data observed by Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) over Sanya on May 10 and 13, 2024 2024/12/27 16:49:22
- Single- and two-station Pn amplitude data and a broadband Pn attenuation model in and around the Alaska mainland 2024/12/26 9:46:14
- Data from GNSS and FPI Observations at Mohe 2024/12/20 18:08:12
- First P and S Wave Travel-time Data for the Seismic Tomography Study in Northeast Japan 2024/12/19 12:16:21
- Seismic waveforms of triggered tectonic tremors in the western Makran subduction zone from CIGSIP project seismic array 2024/12/4 11:53:36
- Core drilling data and geoscience tabular dataset augmentation code 2024/11/11 10:02:11
- The experiment result of the Fault Friction Evolution by Fluid Injection 2024/11/4 20:27:22
- Receiver Functions Data for Crustal Structure Investigation of Fossil Suture Zones in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt 2024/10/29 10:16:42
- Data of Spatio-Temporal deep learning model for regional EPB irregularities short-term Prediction 2024/10/18 23:58:16
- The code package of teleseismic traveltime tomography based on eikonal solver and adjoint-state technique 2024/9/28 12:55:34
- GNSS data during two rocket launches on March 30 and September 10, 2023 over China 2024/9/23 16:46:19
- Multi-frequency P-wave receiver functions and autocorrelations from a short linear array in Jaz Murian basin, SE Iran 2024/9/18 9:36:12
- P- and S-Wave Velocity Models of Southeastern Iran: Data from a Broadband Seismic Array 2024/9/17 23:54:05
- Partial codes and data for paper ' Global Distribution of Marsquakes Revealed by Deep-Learning-Based Sliding-Window and Noise-Aware Single-Station Polarization Estimation ' 2024/9/5 11:24:05
- The physical property data and borehole data of the Bayan Obo mining area, as well as the DCSM lithology prediction algorithm model 2024/8/1 15:20:10
- Ionospheric data during the May 2024 super geomagnetic storm 2024/7/22 14:45:22
- Derived data from MAVEN observation for the study of the Vertical Scale Height of the Martian Ionosphere 2024/7/4 14:55:04
- Alkenone-Inferred Temperature Reconstruction Data from Lake Xiarinur Sediment in Mid-Latitude China 2024/5/30 15:45:04
- Seismometer Orientation Measurements of Broadband Seismic Stations in the China Digital Seismograph Network 2024/4/30 15:30:24
- Low lAtitude long Range Ionospheric raDar (LARID) and related ionospheric data 2024/4/3 16:46:42
- LARID radar, GNSS ROTI, ionosonde and geomagnetic index data on November 5,2023 2024/4/1 22:34:14
- Single- and two-station Lg amplitude data and a broadband Lg attenuation model in and around Colombia 2024/3/13 22:22:35
- Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation Analysis Data for Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure Investigation in Central Myanmar and Southeastern Tibet 2024/2/6 16:40:15
- Regional strong motion waveforms of Mw 5.8 Lushan earthquake occurred on June 1, 2022 2024/2/4 15:55:22
- The teleseismic data and ambient noise cross-correlations of NCISP10 and NCISP11 seismic array in Northeast China 2024/1/30 15:35:10
- Vertical component of continuous seismic waveforms, noise cross-correlations function, dispersion data and the final 3-D S-wave velocity and azimuthal anisotropy model in the Sanjiang lateral collision zone 2024/1/29 12:02:11
- The stack profiles and the Kirchhoff prestack time migration profiles in both segy and jpg formats for the Jungger basin-Altai mountains deep seismic reflection profile 2024/1/18 19:55:16
- Seismic Waveforms of Precritical PKiKP and PcP Phases Collected in East Asia 2024/1/9 22:35:11
- Ionospheric data and geomagnetic indices on 1 December, 2023 2024/1/8 22:03:13
- Thermospheric Mass Density Observation data by GRACE-A, Swarm-A and CHAMP 2024/1/5 22:56:14
- Magnetotelluric impedance data in North China 2023/12/27 10:34:04
- Integrated maps of Moho depth and Vp/Vs ratio of the crust in the Great Khingan Range 2023/12/23 22:52:10
- Codes and data for paper 'Assessing and Improving the Phasor Walkout Method for Identifying Low-frequency Spectral Peaks' 2023/12/22 23:38:15
- Multiple ionospheric observational data in the southeast Asia during July 1-July 8 2023 2023/12/13 17:28:51
- Peat core data of Finnish Kaamanen peatland 2023/12/7 16:41:11
- Seismic data obtained from the SC1 and SC2 profiles for the Yangtze Craton 2023/11/29 17:08:12
- Detailed earthquake catalog in central Myanmar and seismic waveform data from China-Myanmar Geophysical Survey in the Myanmar Orogen (CMGSMO) project 2023/11/28 20:20:45
- P-wave particle motion data for InSight Low-Frequency events and the relevant software code 2023/11/17 11:21:23
- 3-D lithospheric resistivity model of the Northern Margin of the Central North China Craton inverted with magnetotelluric array data 2023/11/16 10:39:15
- All-sky radar, ionosonde and ICON wind data on June 15, 2020 2023/11/11 19:25:33
- Cross- correlation functions data beneath Northeast China 2023/11/8 14:15:50
- Multi-Instruments Observation Data of Ionospheric-Thermospheric Dynamic Coupling over Mohe (53.5°N, 122.3°E) During the April 2023 Geomagnetic Storm 2023/11/7 22:22:13
- Single- and two-station Lg amplitude data and a broadband Lg attenuation model in and around the Alaska mainland 2023/10/27 9:42:32
- Horizontal slices and latitude sections of the 3-D lithospheric model of the North China Craton inverted with magnetotelluric array data 2023/10/26 22:02:32
- ShaleSeg: The first deep-learning dataset and models for practical fracture segmentation of large-scale-shale CT images 2023/10/23 15:12:12
- Continuous water level observation data obtained from CENC (China Earthquake Networks Center) and codes for two tidal response models 2023/9/27 22:45:20
- Intra-annual tree-ring oxygen isotopes data about Araucaria angustifolia in southern Brazil 2023/9/22 9:01:14
- Ionospheric observation data in east and southeast Asia on April 17,2023 2023/9/18 9:21:33
- Raw waveform data and picked traveltimes recorded by the wide-angle seismic profile between Jingtai and Hezuo across the northeastern Tibetan Plateau 2023/9/17 16:37:12
- In-situ stress data set of Xianshuihe fault zone, Southwest China 2023/9/15 15:11:10
- Seis-PnSn: A Global Million-scale Benchmark Dataset of Pn and Sn Seismic Phases for Deep Learning 2023/9/9 23:45:12
- Seismic waveforms, P-wave receiver function data, and splitting measurements from the study of Mantle flow and olivine fabric transition in the Myanmar continental subduction zone 2023/9/2 19:51:22
- Receiver function data obtained from the dense seismic profile across the central Altyn Tagh Range 2023/8/17 11:37:22
- Ionospheric scintillation observation data from Ledong station for the period September 2021 to December 2022 and February 2023 2023/7/17 14:07:22
- Multiple ionospheric observational data over southern China on 26-28 February 2023 2023/7/7 13:55:16
- In-situ stress data set of eastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 2023/7/3 14:35:10
- Back-azimuth measurements of InSight Low Frequency events and the software code used 2023/6/19 10:25:35
- Water level and barometric pressure observation data obtained from CENC (China Earthquake Networks Center) and code for the barometric response leaky model 2023/6/16 22:35:20
- Ionization Activity Detected During Dark Periods in Long Air Positive Sparks 2023/4/30 10:28:10
- Automatic segmentation of seismic vertical sections for subsurface interface identification 2023/4/27 17:06:12
- Single- and two-station Pn amplitude data obtained from multiple data sources 2023/4/15 20:16:30
- Seismic waveforms of the Pn-waves and noises obtained in the Iranian Plateau 2023/4/15 20:05:10
- Seismic waveform data near Luding, Sichuan 2023/4/9 23:35:20
- The voltage waveform, direct images and Schlieren photographs of negative long sparks 2023/4/6 15:45:10
- All-sky radar and ionosonde data on November 26, 2019 2022/12/17 18:16:15
- Seismic waveform data from China-Myanmar Geophysical Survey in the Myanmar Orogen project 2022/12/12 12:12:10
- Single- and two-station Lg amplitude data and a broadband Lg attenuation model in and around the Scandinavia Peninsula 2022/12/12 11:55:17
- Water level data obtained from China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC) 2022/11/4 16:35:20
- The groundwater level, earth tide and barometric pressure data from the China Earthquake Network Center (CENC) in the Shizhu well 2022/10/31 18:35:20
- Debris flow signal: Seismic data of Zhouqu station 2022/10/8 11:35:20
- Multi-proxy reconstruction of Northern Hemisphere annual temperatures over the past 2000 years 2022/10/4 22:35:20
- Multi-proxy reconstruction of East Asian summer monsoon circulation index over the past 500 years 2022/9/21 15:15:10
- Seismic waveforms of the Lg-waves and noises obtained in the Iranian Plateau 2022/9/14 11:39:20
- Ionospheric data during November 2019 to October 2020 2022/9/12 20:29:30
- The Lg-wave and noise waveforms from the China Earthquake Network Center (CENC) in the South China Block (SCB) 2022/9/1 9:43:15
- Single- and two-station Lg amplitude data obtained from the International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN) Mass Downloader service and a broadband Lg attenuation model around the Anatolian Plateau. 2022/8/31 17:13:20
- XKS waveform data obtained from NCISP6, NCISP10, NCISP11 in northeast China 2022/8/24 22:15:20
- Video data and backscatter echo data by the MIOS facility on 2 November 2019 2022/7/29 21:05:06
- Single- and two-station Lg amplitude data in the South China Block (SCB) and the resulted broadband QLg model in this region 2022/7/19 21:17:16
- Peatland fossil testate amoeba composition and dating data 2022/6/23 14:54:04
- FPI observations from July 2019 to November 2021, and multi-instrument joint observations during thermospheric temperature nighttime enhancement events at Mohe 2022/6/18 21:44:04
- Observations of equatorial ionospheric vertical ExB and field-aligned plasma drifts during the 2020-2021 SSW 2022/6/15 17:34:04
- Imaging results of the low-frequency data from the Rover Penetrating Radar (RoPeR) 2022/6/14 18:14:04
- Hemispheric temperature and precipitation data over the past 2000 years 2022/5/28 21:03:10
- Observations of the October Draconid outburst at different latitudes along 120°E 2022/5/26 11:44:10
- Single- and two-station Lg amplitude data and a broadband Lg attenuation model in and around the Iranian Plateau 2022/5/18 9:43:10
- Summer streamflow reconstruction data based on tree-ring oxygen for the upper reaches of Yangtze River 2022/5/11 15:33:15
- Triplication waveform data obtained from China National Seismic Network 2022/5/10 21:44:15
- GNSS TEC data from Islamabad, Multan, Quetta and Wuhan stations 2022/5/9 21:09:05
- The waveforms data of the P-wave receiver function from the dense stations in Tian Shan and Altai, Xinjiang 2022/4/21 15:06:10
- Teleseismic waveform data from China-Myanmar Geophysical Survey in the Myanmar Orogen (CMGSMO) project and geodynamic modelling outputs 2022/4/14 16:56:20
- Tele-seismic P-wave receiver function data of stations MKBI, SISI, GSI, EGSI (IA network), and station X10S (ZB network) 2022/4/13 14:56:20
- Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves of ambient noise cross-correlations from the NCISP9 array 2022/4/12 8:56:13
- Waveforms and horizontal-to-vertical ratios around the direct P phase in P-wave receiver functions from the CIGSIP-1 array 2022/3/31 16:53:13
- Ionosonde data from Sanya, Fuke and Chumphon station and ΔH calculated from magnetometer data from Sanya and Da Lat 2022/3/18 10:41:13
- Single- and two-station Lg amplitude data obtained from the China National Digital Seismic Network (CNDSN) 2022/3/11 14:41:13
- Statistical catalogue of meteor trail non-field-aligned irregularities based on the MIOS facility 2022/3/10 18:01:13
- Ionospheric data and geomagnetic indices on 1-31 January, 2022 2022/3/7 16:03:23
- Video data and backscatter echo data by the MIOS facility 2022/2/10 17:43:23
- Snowfall catalogue from 1625 to 1907 CE in Seoul 2022/1/4 9:23:23
- 12 different depth slices and one cross-section result from 3D Magnetotelluric data inversion of the Zhangye Basin, Gansu 2021/12/22 11:49:23
- Imaging underground resistivity structure and checking the fit between observed and calculated data 2021/12/20 11:25:33
- Seismic waveforms excited by the 2020 Nangqian Fireball 2021/12/13 23:18:33
- Distinct lithospheric structure in the Xing'an-Mongolian Orogenic Belt 2021/12/5 16:30:14
- Single- and two-station Pn amplitude data obtained from the China National Digital Seismic Network (CNDSN), Global Seismic Network (GSN) and Full-Range Seismograph Network (F-net) 2021/12/1 9:03:14
- SKS seismic waveforms from the NECsaids array 2021/11/17 10:37:24
- GNSS TEC, ROTI, HR-ROTI, S4, foEs and VHF radar backscatter echoes data during 2018-2020 2021/10/20 20:42:22
- Results of direct shear test and 3D laser scanning 2021/10/15 16:32:12
- P-wave receiver functions and seismic waveforms from a short linear array in Jaz Murian basin, SE Iran 2021/10/15 14:42:12
- Magnetotelluric data in the central portion of North China Craton 2021/9/24 14:52:12
- The whole Moon numerical simulation model and results 2021/9/18 16:32:12
- Field ocean bottom nodes (OBNs) data recorded in the East China Sea in 2017 2021/9/17 16:46:10
- Magnetotelluric data and lithospheric resistivity model in central South China 2021/9/9 11:54:10
- The first principal component (PC1) of the 24 tree-ring oxygen isotope chronologies across monsoon Asia 2021/8/23 22:34:10
- Long-term ground-based GNSS receiver and ionosonde data collected in the Brazilian longitude sector 2021/8/10 18:35:12
- Ionospheric data over Asia-Australian sector and geomagnetic indices on 9-10 July, 2018 2021/8/4 22:35:12
- foF2 data at 18 ionosonde stations 2021/7/22 21:45:22
- Receiver functions and body-wave amplitude ratios from a linear array in the Sichuan Basin, SW China 2021/7/19 16:25:13
- Geochemical data from Vanuatu arc. 2021/7/2 9:55:13
- GEOMAGIA50.v3 sediment data sets 2021/6/11 21:35:43
- Magnetotelluric data and model across the Yinchuan-Jilantai Rift System 2021/6/9 10:58:43
- Annual rainfall reconstruction from 1625 to 1907 CE in Seoul 2021/6/8 21:28:53
- SCISP-1 raw waveforms for RF computation and cross-correlation WFs for dispersion 2021/4/30 20:38:53
- Magnetotelluric data in southern Tibet 2021/4/30 10:28:53
- Seismic waveforms and P-wave receiver function data from the study of seismic anisotropy and mantle flow in central Myanmar 2021/3/31 20:38:53
- Resistivity models of L3 and L4 profiles inverted with magnetotelluric data 2021/3/18 9:38:53
- P-wave receiver functions from the COMPASS-ELIP array 2021/3/11 10:38:53
- Phase velocity dispersion curves of ambient noise and phase velocity of teleseismic surface wave from WDLC seismic array 2021/2/8 16:38:53
- Water level observation data of well Zuojiazhuang (Beijing) 2021/1/31 17:28:53
- High-resolution elemental record from the Holocene sediments of an alpine lake in the central Altai Mountains 2021/1/27 21:30:53
- Water level data used for fracture analysis obtained from CENC (China Earthquake Networks Center) 2021/1/24 21:29:53
- Observations of the channel illuminations during dark periods in long positive sparks 2021/1/22 21:19:53
- Single- and two-station Lg amplitude data obtained from CENC (China Earthquake Network Center) and IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology) 2021/1/22 20:29:53
- Water level and barometric pressure observation data obtained from CENC (China Earthquake Networks Center) and InSAR measurements from modified Sentinel-1 imagery 2021/1/4 14:29:53
- Tree ring oxygen isotope in Greenland 2020/12/23 11:39:43
- Water level and barometric pressure observation data obtained from CENC (China Earthquake Networks Center) 2020/12/7 8:29:53
- Variations of thermospheric winds observed by a Fabry–Pérot interferometer at Mohe, China 2020/12/3 14:29:53
- Siamese Earthquake Transformer codes and models 2020/12/1 20:29:53
- P-wave receiver function data from the study of the mantle transition zone structure beneath Myanmar 2020/10/26 21:59:53
- Supplementary Materials for Sulfur Cycling during Progressive Burial in Sulfate-rich Marine Carbonates 2020/10/24 20:49:53
- The hourly mesospheric winds over Mohe between 2012 and 2019 2020/10/14 20:19:53
- Ionosonde measurements at Petropavlovsk and Yakutsk stations 2020/9/27 15:19:53
- S-wave receiver functions and three-component waveforms from the CIGSIP-2 array 2020/9/16 21:39:53
- The equatorial ionospheric zonal electric field obtained from the ROCSAT-1 satellite, Jicmarca ISR, JULIA and magnetometer 2020/9/5 21:19:53
- Distinct slab interfaces imaged within the mantle transition zone 2020/8/11 9:19:53
- Imaging underground resistivity structure and checking the fit between observed and calculated data 2020/7/27 23:19:53
- XKS seismic waveforms from the COMPASS-ELIP array 2020/7/22 14:19:53
- Observed data at Baishui Glacier No. 1 on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau 2020/7/14 17:19:53
- A new catalogue of historical Korean auroral records during 1012-1811 2020/6/28 9:19:53
- Simulated data of the 21 June 2020 Solar Eclipse effects on the conjugate hermispheres 2020/5/29 16:19:53
- Ionogram Dataset for 'Deep-learning for Ionogram Automatic Scaling' 2020/5/6 14:19:53
- Doppler ionograms of strong Es occurrence observed by Sanya portable digital ionosonde (PDI) 2020/2/26 10:19:53
- The meridional wind simulated from GAIA 2020/2/18 11:19:53
- Cross-correlation Functions from a short-term dense array - Karatungk Mine Array (KMA) 2020/2/7 20:19:53
- Kelan FPI thermospheric wind database 2020/2/4 21:59:53
- The discharge preceding the intense reillumination in positive leader steps under the slow varying ambient electric field 2020/1/17 17:13:53
- Drought cycles over the last 8, 200 years recorded in Maar lake Twintaung, Myanmar 2019/12/12 15:05:53
- Continuous ambient noise data collected by triangle observation array in Jimo, Shandong of China 2019/12/10 11:10:50
- Evolution of mantle peridotites from the Luobusa ophiolite in the Tibetan Plateau: Sr-Nd-Hf-Os isotope constraints 2019/12/8 21:53:53
- Seismoelectric data generated in seismoelectric numerical modeling of 3D orthorhombic Poroelastic medium 2019/12/2 9:13:53
- A simulation of the influence of DE3 tide on nitric oxide infrared cooling 2019/11/20 16:23:45
- Study of Three-dimensional Lithospheric Resistivity Structure of the North China Craton and Its Thermal State 2019/11/14 8:53:45
- Three-dimensional (3D) geo-electrical model beneath the southern Tibet 2019/10/18 8:53:45
- Ionospheric changes revealed by Qujing Incoherent Scatter radar, a chain of ionosonde and GNSS TEC 2019/10/7 18:13:53
- Plasmapause crossing events data derived from multiple multi-satellites 2019/9/20 19:53:45
- Seismo-electric conversion in shale: Experiment and analytical modelling 2019/9/20 19:23:45
- East-west difference in the ionospheric response of the March 1989 great magnetic storm throughout East Asian region 2019/9/19 16:23:45
- Ionospheric enhancement events observed by Qujing Incoherent Scatter Radar and Sanya Ionosonde 2019/9/14 17:13:53