WDC for Geophysics, Beijing(中国地球物理学科中心)

Author-submitted data information

ID 324
Title Magnetotelluric data in the central portion of North China Craton
Creator Yuan Shi
Subject Broadband and long-period magnetotelluric data
Publisher Xiukuan Zhao
Description The MT array (34°N-40°N, 106.7°E-118.4°E) covers the central portion of NCC containing all the three major blocks (TNCO, ENCC, WNCC) , including 41 long-period and 142 broadband MT sites, all of which are acquired in 2010-2011 by the SINOPROBE project (Dong & Li, 2009). The long period magnetotelluric (LMT) data were collected with LEMI-417 instruments in the 1°× 1° grid and broadband magnetotelluric (BBMT) data with Phoenix MTU-5 instruments in more dense grids. The average recording time of two electrical field components (Ex,Ey) and three magnetic field components (Hx,Hy,Hz) was 24 h for BBMT and 7 d for LMT, respectively.
Contributor Wenbo Wei, Gaofeng Ye, Wencai Yang, Sheng Jin
Date 2010-2011
Format *.edi
URL http://www.geophys.ac.cn/ArticleData/20210924NorthChinaCratonMT.zip
DOI 10.12197/2021GA025
Language eng
Rights SINOPROBE project; China geological survey; China University of Geoscience (Beijing)