WDC for Geophysics, Beijing(中国地球物理学科中心)

Author-submitted data information

ID 325
Title P-wave receiver functions and seismic waveforms from a short linear array in Jaz Murian basin, SE Iran
Creator Haiqiang Lan
Subject P-RFs, and seismograms used in the computation of the autocorrelation
Publisher Xiukuan Zhao
Description To gain a better knowledge of the Jaz Murian sedimentary Basin, a linear seismic array consisting of 5 broadband stations (L14, L15, L16, L17 and L18; equipped with Trillium 120PA seismometers (120 s - 175 Hz) and Taurus digital seismographs was operated from March 2017 to September 2018 under the program of “China-Iran geological and geophysical survey in the Iranian plateau (CIGSIP)”. The broadband seismic stations were deployed along a linear N-S transect, from the southern end of the magmatic arc to the northern border of the ophiolitic complex, with a spacing of about 13 km. Earthquakes with magnitudes≥5.0 and epicentral distances of 28°- 92° and 50°- 90°were selected for P wave and S wave, respectively. A time-domain iterative deconvolution method was used to calculate the P-RFs. After careful visual inspection, high quality P-RFs were selected for measuring the polarization of P wave. P-RF waveform files are finally stored in the directories as:
(e.g., ./PRFs/L14/L14_18251_023131.eqr).
Moreover, seismograms with high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) around the P- and S-wave onsets were selected for extracting the P- and S-wave reflections. Seismogram files are finally stored in the directories as:
(e.g., ./Seismogram/Pwave/L14/L14_18251_071649.z).
For comparison, we also analyzed data from four other stations for comparison. Amongst, two were also from the main line, in the southern Makran accretionary wedge (L09) and the northern magmatic arc (L24), respectively. We calculated receiver functions for these two stations. Another two stations were from an eastern offline about 70 km from the main line, lay near the south- (P13) and north-margin (P14) of the central Jaz Murian Basin respectively.We did the autocorrelation and P-wave polarization analysis for these two stations.
Contributor Ling Chen, Sebastien Chevrot, Morteza Talebian, Xu Wang, Yifan Gao, Jianyong Zhang, Zimu Wu, Mehdi Shokati, Mingming Jiang, Yinshuang Ai, Guangbing Hou, Mulin Mao, Thanh-Son Pham, Wenjiao Xiao, Rixiang Zhu
Date March 2017 - September 2018
Type P-RFs are stored with a sampling rate of 50 Hz and a length of 100 sec. (-5 s before to 95 s after the zero time). The zero time in P-RFs refers to the direct P-wave. Seismogram data for autocorrelation were cut with a 40 s time windows starting 10 s before the theoretical P/S arrival time predicted by the reference model AK135.
Format Vertical and radial RFs are stored in SAC format with‘.eqz’ and‘.eqr’extensions, respectively. Seismograms for autocorrelations are also stored in SAC format with ‘.z’, ‘.r’and ‘.t’ extensions for vertical, radial and transverse component correspondingly. In the header of each SAC file, necessary information such as locations of the station (STLA: latitude; STLO: longitude; STEL: elevation) and earthquake (EVLA, EVLO, EVDP), sampling interval (DELTA), and ray parameter (USER4) has been given. These standard SAC formats can be read using SAC, Obspy, MATLAB, et al.
URL http://www.geophys.ac.cn/ArticleData/20220207SeismicDataByLan.zip
DOI 10.12197/2021GA026
Language eng
Rights Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences