WDC for Geophysics, Beijing(中国地球物理学科中心)

Author-submitted data information

ID 501
Title The voltage waveform, direct images and Schlieren photographs of negative long sparks
Creator Xiangen Zhao
Subject Long air gap discharge data
Publisher Xiukuan Zhao
Description Experiments were carried out at the high-voltage laboratory of Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, China. Negative long sparks were produced in a 1.35-m air gap under the lightning impulse voltage, and the voltage waveform, direct images and Schlieren photographs were measured synchronously.
The data were obtained on Jul 09, 2021, in which the applied voltage (unit: kV), direct images and Schlieren images are included. Direct images are captured with a high-speed camera (Phantom V1212) operating at a speed of 192,308 frames-per-second (fps) with an exposure time of 3.6 us. Schlieren images are recorded with a high-speed camera (Photron FASTCAM SA5-X2) operating at the same settings as the Phantom camera.
Contributor N A Popov, Quan Gan, Yuxuan Ding, Yaping Du and Junjia He
Date Jul 09, 2021
Type The applied voltage (unit: kV), direct images and Schlieren images.
Format The voltage waveform is in origin .opj format, and all images are in .tif format.
URL http://www.geophys.ac.cn/ArticleData/20230406SparksData.zip
DOI 10.12197/2023GA002
Language eng
Rights Huazhong University of Science & Technology; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University