WDC for Geophysics, Beijing(中国地球物理学科中心)

Author-submitted data information

ID 507
Title Water level and barometric pressure observation data obtained from CENC (China Earthquake Networks Center) and code for the barometric response leaky model
Creator Yan Zhang
Subject Groundwater observation data, water level, barometric pressure, barometric response leaky model
Publisher Xiukuan Zhao
Description 1. 7 wells of groundwater and barometric pressure are selected in this study. The location (longitude and latitude) of each observation data is show in the Excel file. All the observation data comes from the digital observation instruments of those groundwater stations of the China Earthquake Networks Center. The water-level and barometric pressure of selected wells are of high quality, and the selection is based on the catalogs provided by provincial earthquake administrations and institutions (China Earthquake Administration, 2004). Besides, the selected well is away from the coast to minimize the effects of ocean tides.
2. Code for the barometric response leaky model is written by the group of Yan Zhang with the MATLAB software, which is used to calculate the continuous hydraulic parameters (the horizontal transmissivity for the observation aquifer and the vertical hydraulic diffusivity for the aquitard).
Contributor Qiu-Ye Yang, Michael Manga, Li-Yun Fu, Huai Zhang, Bing-Fei Chu, Gaoxiang Chen, Tianming Huang, Tongcheng Han, and Shengwen Qi
Date 2008 - 2019
Type 1. Water-level are documented with a LN-3A digital instrument with an accuracy of ≤ 0.2% full scale, resolution of 1 mm, and sampling rate of 1 per minute. Barometric pressures are documented with the RTP-1 digital instrument with a sampling rate of 1 sample/min.
2. Code for the barometric response leaky model should be run by the MATLAB software higher than the MATLAB-R2021a edition.
Format 1. the *.DAT format data (can be read directly using the software of MATLAB, et al.) has been stored in each file. In each data file, there are two sequences: the left column is the time (year-month-day-hour-min), and the right column is the water level (unit-m) or the barometric pressure (unit-hPa).
2. the *Code for the barometric response leaky model is written by the group of Yan Zhang with the MATLAB software.
URL http://www.geophys.ac.cn/ArticleData/20240827WaterLevel.zip
DOI 10.12197/2023GA008
Language eng
Rights Data,China Earthquake Networks Center
Code, Group of Yan Zhang