WDC for Geophysics, Beijing(中国地球物理学科中心)

Author-submitted data information

ID 528
Title All-sky radar, ionosonde and ICON wind data on June 15, 2020
Creator Jianfei Liu
Subject All-sky radar interferometry data, ionosonde data, wind data
Publisher Xiukuan Zhao
Description The all-sky radar data obtained at Ledong with the pulse repetition frequency, range resolution, and sampled ranges are 430 Hz, 1.8 km, and 68.4-318.6 km, respectively, are used for neutral wind analysis and E region irregularities interferometry analysis. Through interferometry analysis the location for E region FAIs could be obtained. The variables named “ELE”, “AZI”, “ZON”, “MER” and “H” indicate the elevation angle, the azimuth angle and the location of radar backscatter echoes in the zonal, meridional and altitudinal coordinates, respectively. The critical frequency of Es (foEs) and the virtual height (h’Es) of Es are obtained from the ionosondes at Ledong, with temporal resolutions of 7.5 min. The ICON data are openly available on the ICON website (http://icon.ssl.berkeley.edu/Data). ICON's wind field data includes the parameters “Mer_UT,” “Mer_Alt”, “Mer_Vel”, “Zon_UT”, “Zon_Alt”, “Zon_Vel”. They represent the universal time, altitude and meridional/zonal wind speed, respectively. Radar's wind field data includes the parameters “UT”, “Alt, “MerVel”, “ZonVel”. They represent universal time, altitude and meridional/zonal wind speed, respectively.
Contributor Wenjie Sun, Xiukuan Zhao, Haiyong Xie, and Yi Li
Date June 15, 2020
Type The parameters include UT (hour), POW (dB), ZON (km), MER (km), H (km), ELE (°), AZI (°), wind velocity (m/s), Vd (m/s), foEs (MHz), and virtual height (km) Mer_UT(hour), Mer_Alt(km), Mer_Vel(m/s), Zon_UT(hour), Zon_Alt(km), Zon_Vel(m/s), Alt(km), MerVel(m/s), ZonVel(m/s).
Format *.mat available in MATLAB
URL http://www.geophys.ac.cn/ArticleData/20231111MultiInstrumentsData.zip
DOI 10.12197/2023GA029
Language eng
Rights Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences