WDC for Geophysics, Beijing(中国地球物理学科中心)

Author-submitted data information

ID 605
Title Regional strong motion waveforms of Mw 5.8 Lushan earthquake occurred on June 1, 2022
Creator Jinlai Hao
Subject Seismic waveform data
Publisher Xiukuan Zhao
Description To test the new earthquake locating method, we collect the seismic data of Mw 5.8 Lushan earthquake (which occurred on June 1, 2022) from the China Earthquake Network Center. The seismic data and the location of stations are listed as follows.
(1) Band-pass filtered waveforms of 36 vertical components (with a cut-off frequency of 0.1-3.0Hz). The waveforms are normalized and used to constrain the hypocenter of Mw 5.8 Lushan earthquake.
(2) The longitude and latitude of the stations are converted to Cartesian coordinates. The epicenter, located at 30.37°N and 102.94°E, is set as the origin (0,0). The distances along the east-west and north-south directions are also shown.
Contributor Jinhai Zhang, Wenze Deng, Zhenxing Yao
Date June 1, 2022
Type There are two files named “normalized_vertical_records.txt” and “location_of_stations.txt” corresponding to the two types of data described in the description. In “normalized_vertical_records.txt”, the left and right lines represent the time and amplitude in each file, respectively. UTC 09:00:08 on 1st June 2022 is set to “0”. The station name is labeled above each time series.
Format ASCII format
URL http://www.geophys.ac.cn/ArticleData/20240204SeismicWaveform.zip
DOI 10.12197/2024GA006
Language eng
Rights China Earthquake Network Center (CENC)