Author-submitted data information
ID | 623 |
Title | The experiment result of the Fault Friction Evolution by Fluid Injection |
Creator | Jianming He |
Subject | fluid injection, fault slip, stick-slip |
Publisher | Xiukuan Zhao |
Description | The triaxial mechanics test machine is equipped with fluid injection function. The physical simulation of the effect of fluid injection on the frictional evolution of faults was completed through laboratory experiments. The pre-fractured rock specimen was assembled with two end caps and a heat shrinkable jacket was placed around them to provide a barrier between the specimen and the confining oil. There is a fluid port in each end cap for the fluid injection or fluid pressure measurement. The extensometer assembly was then mounted on the specimen to measure the axial and radial strain. The triaxial compression testing system, which can accommodate the assembled specimen with instrumentation attached, and has control abilities in the axial and confining stress, is sufficient for the simulation of the reservoir environment in the fault slip experiment by fluid injection. The fluid injection for the experiment was conducted through the pore pressure intensifier with servo-control ability. The initial critical state of shear on the fault surface was achieved through the triaxial compression acting on the specimen. The deviatoric stress, resulting from the difference between the confining and axial stresses applied to the specimen, can make the shearing along the fault surface reach the critical state. Then the shear stress was controlled to reduce to around 90 percent of the value of the critical state and the axial loading actuator was fixed for the fault slip experiment. The fluid injection was carried out at last through the fluid ports for simulation of the fault instability and friction evolution during the reservoir stimulation. The confining pressure was set as 10 MPa and the pressurization rate of the fluid was set as a constant of 0.02 MPa/s. |
Contributor | Zehua Wang, Yongbin He, Jian Wang, Tianqiao Mao, Bo Zheng, Shouding Li, Xiao Li |
Date | December 1st, 2023 |
Type | Fluid Pressure, Deviatoric Stress, Axial stress, Confining Pressure, Normal Stress, Shear Stress, Friction Coefficient, Parallel Displacement. |
Format | .xlsx, available in Microsoft Excel |
URL | |
DOI | 10.12197/2024GA024 |
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Language | eng |
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Rights | Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |