Author-submitted data information
ID | 626 |
Title | Data from GNSS and FPI Observations at Mohe |
Creator | Wenbo Li |
Subject | Mohe, GNSS, FPI |
Publisher | Xiukuan Zhao |
Description | This dataset includes observations from the Mohe FPI and GNSS receivers located at MHGG, MHGR, MHLG, and MHXC. It comprises multiple files: ‘MoheFPI.mat’: Contains thermospheric wind data obtained from Mohe FPI observations. ‘MHGG/MHGR/MHLG/MHXC***gnssTEC.mat’: Contains Total Electron Content (TEC) data from GNSS observations. Any work that utilizes this dataset should cite the relevant references. - FPI data: Li, W., Chen, Y., Liu, L., Trondsen, T. S., Unick, C., Wyatt, D., et al. (2021). Variations of thermospheric winds observed by a Fabry–Perot interferometer at Mohe, China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2020JA028655. - GNSS data: Liu, L. B., Yang, Y. Y., Le, H. J., Chen, Y. D., Zhang, R. L., Zhang, H., Sun, W. J., and Li, G. Z. (2022). Unexpected regional zonal structures in low latitude ionosphere call for a high longitudinal resolution of the global ionospheric maps. Remote Sens., 14(10), 2315. |
Contributor | Yuyan Yang |
Date | 2020 - 2024 |
Type | The variable names in the file indicate the names of each observed information. |
Format | .mat format for MATLAB. |
URL | |
DOI | 10.12197/2024GA027 |
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Language | eng |
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Rights | Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |