Author-submitted data information
ID | 700 |
Title | Seismic waveforms, P-wave receiver functions, and splitting measurements from the study of mantle flow and crustal deformation revealed by seismic anisotropy in the subduction zone beneath Myanmar |
Creator | Enbo Fan |
Subject | Seismic waveforms, P-wave receiver functions, and splitting measurements |
Publisher | Xiukuan Zhao |
Description | To investigate the crustal deformation in the Indo-Burman Ranges and mantle flow beneath Myanmar and adjacent areas, we applied the shear wave splitting analysis to PKS, SKKS, and SKS phases and integrated crustal anisotropy results from P-to-S conversions at the Moho to analyze the spatial distribution of seismic anisotropy. This study utilized seismic data collected from 75 broadband stations deployed during the second phase of the China-Myanmar Geophysical Survey in the Myanmar Orogen (CMGSMO) project between January 2019 and October 2020 and 11 publicly accessible stations from the Seismological Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience. From this dataset, we obtained 731 well-defined shear wave splitting measurements from 80 out of 86 stations, comprising 32 PKS, 206 SKKS, and 493 SKS splitting measurements, along with 243 null measurements recorded at 59 stations. The three-component waveform data were recorded at a sampling rate of 20 Hz, while receiver function data (also sampled at 20 Hz) were extracted within a defined time window. A bandpass filter with a period range of 1.25-12.5 seconds was applied. The three-component waveforms files were stored in directories structured as: ~ /Teleseismic /SKS /EQYYDDDHHMM /station.z (e.g., ~/ Teleseismic /EQ190261956 /C05xxx_UM.z). The receiver functions files were stored in directories structured as: ~/RFs/station/stationYYDDDHHMM.eqr (e.g., ~/RFs/C11/C11xxx_MM190650013.eqr). All splitting measurements are stored in the file “SplittingMeasurements”, and the results can be conveniently visualized using the website file “index.html”. |
Contributor | Mingming Jiang, Yinshuang Ai, Stephen S. Gao, Kelly H. Liu, Yumei He, Yiming Bai, Guangbing Hou, Yuan Ling, Chit Thet Mon, Myo Thant, Kyaing Sein |
Date | January 2019 to October 2020 |
Type | *.z, *.n, *.e components for shear wave splitting analysis and *.eqr for P-RFs are stored in SAC format. Necessary information, such as locations of the station (STLA: latitude; STLO: longitude) and earthquake (EVLA, EVLO, EVDP), sampling rate (DELTA), number of sampling points (NTPS), has been stored in the head list of each file. |
Format | SAC format can be read directly using SAC, ObsPy, MATLAB, et al. |
URL | |
DOI | 10.12197/2025GA001 |
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Language | eng |
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Rights | Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |