WDC for Geophysics, Beijing(中国地球物理学科中心)

Author-submitted data information

ID 701
Title Codes and data for paper 'Detection and Removal of Strong Transient Disturbances for Uncovering Weak Long-Period Signals in Apollo Lunar Seismic Data'
Creator Zhuowei Xiao
Subject Codes and data files
Publisher Xiukuan Zhao
Description Codes and data for reproducing all figures in the paper 'Detection and Removal of Strong Transient Disturbances for Uncovering Weak Long-Period Signals in Apollo Lunar Seismic Data'. 'Apollo_annotator.py' is the script for starting the manual annotation user interface.
Folder 'notebooks_for_reproducing_all_figures' contains all data and notebooks for reproducing all figures in the manuscript.
Under this folder, notebook 'Reproduce_Figure_1.ipynb' is for reproducing Figure 1. Notebook 'Reproduce_Figure_2.ipynb' is for reproducing Figure 2. Notebook 'Reproduce_Figure_3.ipynb' is for reproducing Figure 3.
Notebook 'Reproduce_Figures_4_and_S2_to_S19.ipynb' is for reproducing Figures 4, S2-S19. Notebook 'Reproduce_Figures5_S20-22.ipynb' is for reproducing Figures 5 and S20-S22. Notebook 'Reproduce_Figures6_7_S23_S30.ipynb' is for reproducing Figures 6, 7 and S23-S30. Files 'EV_13_S4B_IMP.npy', 'EV_14_S4B_IMP.npy', 'EV_15_S4B_IMP.npy', 'EV_16_S4B_IMP.npy', 'EV_17_S4B_IMP.npy' are S-IVB events processed in this study. Files '19710120.MHZ.npy', '19720116.MHZ.npy', '19720214.MH1.npy', '19720417.MH2.npy' are examples of LPS signals processed in this study. Miniseed and corresponding files are manual annotation examples.
Contributor Juan Li, Zhiyuan Shi, Xin Liu, and Yosio Nakamura
Date January 2025
Type Python scripts, Jupyter notebooks, numpy saved array, and trained deep-learning models.
Format Source codes are in python txt file format. Jupyter notebooks are in ipynb file format. Data are in npz, csv, and miniseed formats. Trained models are in hdf5 format.
URL http://www.geophys.ac.cn/ArticleData/20250114ApolloLunarSeismic.zip
DOI 10.12197/2025GA002
Language eng
Rights Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences