Author-submitted data information
ID | 701 |
Title | Codes and data for paper 'Detection and Removal of Strong Transient Disturbances for Uncovering Weak Long-Period Signals in Apollo Lunar Seismic Data' |
Creator | Zhuowei Xiao |
Subject | Codes and data files |
Publisher | Xiukuan Zhao |
Description | Codes and data for reproducing all figures in the paper 'Detection and Removal of Strong Transient Disturbances for Uncovering Weak Long-Period Signals in Apollo Lunar Seismic Data'. '' is the script for starting the manual annotation user interface. Folder 'notebooks_for_reproducing_all_figures' contains all data and notebooks for reproducing all figures in the manuscript. Under this folder, notebook 'Reproduce_Figure_1.ipynb' is for reproducing Figure 1. Notebook 'Reproduce_Figure_2.ipynb' is for reproducing Figure 2. Notebook 'Reproduce_Figure_3.ipynb' is for reproducing Figure 3. Notebook 'Reproduce_Figures_4_and_S2_to_S19.ipynb' is for reproducing Figures 4, S2-S19. Notebook 'Reproduce_Figures5_S20-22.ipynb' is for reproducing Figures 5 and S20-S22. Notebook 'Reproduce_Figures6_7_S23_S30.ipynb' is for reproducing Figures 6, 7 and S23-S30. Files 'EV_13_S4B_IMP.npy', 'EV_14_S4B_IMP.npy', 'EV_15_S4B_IMP.npy', 'EV_16_S4B_IMP.npy', 'EV_17_S4B_IMP.npy' are S-IVB events processed in this study. Files '19710120.MHZ.npy', '19720116.MHZ.npy', '19720214.MH1.npy', '19720417.MH2.npy' are examples of LPS signals processed in this study. Miniseed and corresponding files are manual annotation examples. |
Contributor | Juan Li, Zhiyuan Shi, Xin Liu, and Yosio Nakamura |
Date | January 2025 |
Type | Python scripts, Jupyter notebooks, numpy saved array, and trained deep-learning models. |
Format | Source codes are in python txt file format. Jupyter notebooks are in ipynb file format. Data are in npz, csv, and miniseed formats. Trained models are in hdf5 format. |
URL | |
DOI | 10.12197/2025GA002 |
Source | |
Language | eng |
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Coverage | |
Rights | Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |