WDC for Geophysics, Beijing(中国地球物理学科中心)

Metadata Catalog

♦ Magnetometer data  ♦ Ionosonde data  ♦ Meteor radar data  ♦ GPS data  ♦ Scintillation data 

ID 501
Title Sanya scintillation data
Creator Zhaoguo Huang
Subject Sanya; scintillation data
Publisher Xiukuan Zhao
Description The data sets are the GNSS scintillation data of the Sanya observation station of Institute Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS). The data are stored in txt format.
Identifier http://www.geophys.ac.cn/dbList.asp?dType=Scintillation&dStation=Sanya
DOI 10.12197/2020ST501